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About Us

We provide full range of Speciality Performance  Chemicals

Macon India is one of the Leading  Manufacturer and Merchandiser of speciality performance chemicals for Textile , Leather,  Construction,   Water Treatment,  Paper, Paint, Agrochemicals, Adhesives and other Related  Industries.We are an ISO 9001:2015 certified Company. We provide a large range of  chemicals and Enzymes , Dyes that covers all stages of  wetting,  conditioning,  nutralizing,  washing and softening process for the textile proccessing across the world..

We focus on devleloping highly  efficient products to continuously create bigger value in textitle chemical market. We are well equipped to offer  a great variety of chamical products.We believe in customer's satisfaction by providing them the best product to fulfill their needs. Our partners and clients value us for the quality of our products.