High Performance , powerful Organic Peroxide Stabilizer
Appearance : Light yellow brown liquid.
Composition : Based on organic compound .
Ionicity : Anionic pH : 5.5 - 0.5
Solubility : Miscible with water in any proportion.
Storage : Stable for at least 6months if stored in cool place.
- Hgh performance stabilizer for Peroxide Bleach even at high Alkaline pH .
- Ensures a moiré efficient use of hydrogen peroxide for improved economic & produtivity
- Complexes heavy metals impurities like Ca++ , Mg++,Fe impurities and other alkaline earth compounds ,thereby prevents pin hole damages of fabric.
- MAC STAB PBE treated fabric yields high degree of whiteness,high absorbency with soft handle.
- Yarn Winding is improved by using PBE
- Besides its stabilizing action it also has a good sequestering properties in heavy metal ions in water.
- It can withstand high temperature variation for prolonged white per oxide Bleaching.
DOSAGE: PBE Can be applied both by pad Batch and as well as exhaust method. Generally 10 to 20%
of PEROXIDE used ,calculated on the amount of Peroxide used.